Because if we do not understand the nature of the sentence shahadah, we can fall into the disease of ignorance and idolatry. Syahadatain is the foundation or principle of Islamic building a Muslim. If the foundation is not strong, the house would not be strong to survive.
The above verse, explaining that Muslims are not justified merely utter two sentences or pronounce the shahadah, but should really understand it. Fa'lam word meaning "let it be known, ilmuilah ...." This means that God commanded to mengilmui or understand the phrase La ilaha Illallah not just say it, but that in turn will form the belief (I'tiqad) in the liver.
Importance Syahadatain
Syahadah sentence is very important to understand because of several things:
1. The gate entrance into Islam (Islamic ilal madkholu)
Surah 2: 108
Islam is like a house or a building or a comprehensive system of life, and God commands all Muslims to sign in kaaffah. To enter it will go through a gate, the syahadatain. This is true both for the Muslims or non-Muslims. That is, the correct understanding of Islam starts from the understanding that sentence. A correct understanding on these sentences leads man to an understanding of the nature of divinity (rububiyah) right too. Believing that it is Allah Robb armies.
2. Gist Islamic doctrine (Khulashah ta'aliimil Islam)
Digest teachings of Islam contained in two sentences syahadah. ASYHADU allaa ilaha illa Allah (I bear witness: indeed there is no god but Allah) and ASYHADU anna Muhammadan prophet (I testified that Muhammad Rasul Allah). First, syahadatain sentence is a statement that the declaration of independence of a servant and worship belongs only to Allah (Laa ma'buda illa), both individually and collectively (congregation). Independence meaningful exempt from any form of polytheism, disbelief and hellfire. We do not serve the nation, state, women, wealth, stomach, but Allah is worshiped (al-Ma'bud). The scholars concluded this sentence with the term La ilaha illa 'alaiha nahnu; "The above principle laailaha illa sentence that we live and die and be resurrected". He also said: "The best of words, I and the Prophets before me is La ilaha illa Allah" (Hadith). So often repeated this sentence as dhikr is impregnated with a true understanding not only express ¾ ¾ is a virtue that can increase the faith. Strong faith, made the servant of addressing all of the commandments with ease. Instead, they are God's will is always hard when our faith is weakened. Syahadatain sentence will also make faith be clean and pure, like pure water. God will provide two advantages for those who believe in the net, that is safe or peaceful life and got directions from God. As he says in the Qur'an:
"Those who believe and do not mix up their faith with kezhaliman (shirk), they are the ones who have security and they are the ones who receive guidance" (Al-An'am: 82).
Second, we bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, then we should follow the example of the Messenger of Allah in worship to God. Because he is the one who best understands how (kaifiyat) worship Him. As spoken Prophet:
"Pray you, as you see me praying ...".
Furthermore, this applies to all aspects of worship in Islam.
3. Basics of Change (Asasul inqilaab)
Changes in question is a fundamental change in human life, which is a change from darkness (ignorance) to the light (of Islam); minazh zhuluumati ilan nuur. Changes encompasses aspects of belief, thought, and life as a whole, both individuals and society. Individually, transformed from sinners to be an expert expert worship the god-fearing; of stupid to be smart; of Kufr became believers, and so on. In the community, in the areas of worship, change various communal worship idols be worshiped Allah alone. In the economic field, change the usury economy into a system of Islam without usury, and so on in all areas. Syahadatain able to transform them, as she has changed society in the time of the Prophet and his companions earlier. Starts with understanding syahadatain properly and invite people to leave ignorance in all its aspects to Islamic values intact.
4. The nature of Propagation of the Apostles (Haqiqatud Da'watir Apostle)
The prophets, from Adam to Muhammad U.S., preaching with the same mission, to invite people to the same doctrines and teachings is to worship God alone and leave ansorut. It is the same core with syahadatain sentence, that there is no god but Allah alone. As Almighty God says: And verily We sent messengers in every nation (to call): "Worship Allah (alone) and stay away from the cause of Evil" (Surah 16:36)
5. The Great Virtue (Fadhaailul 'Azhim)
Syahadatain sentence, if it is applied in everyday life, promising a great virtue. The virtue that can be either moral or material; happiness in the world also in the Hereafter; get the assurance of heaven and avoid the heat of hell.
Meaning "ASYHADU"
The word "asyahdu" contained in syahadatain has several meanings, among others:
1. Statement or Pledge (al-I'laan or al-iqraar)
A person who bersyahadah means she vowed or states - not just say - witness the growing of hearts that photo no god but Allah.
2. Oath (al-Qassam)
Someone who bersyahadah means also swear - a willingness that is ready to accept the consequences and risks of any kind - that there is no god but Allah alone and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
3. Promise (al-Wa'du or al-'Ahdu)
That is the pledge of allegiance will be the oneness of God as substance dipertuhan. The promise of the future will be accountable before God (QS?).
Syahadah Muslims expressed with sincerity, which is a sacred promise, at the same oath to God Almighty; is the spirit of faith. Faith is belief without any doubt, acceptance without objection, confidence in the decisions of Allah (Sura 49:15).
Faith Itself
That faith is not wishful thinking, but includes three things:
1. It is said orally (al-Qaul)
Syahadah pronounced orally with full confidence. All the words that come out of the believer is always good oral and wisdom.
2. Justified by heart (at-tashdiiq)
The heart is the land to sow the seeds of faith. All that came out of the oral driven by the liver. What is in the heart will be reflected in words and deeds. In Bukhari hadith drawn by the Prophet that:
"Science (guidance) which I take it is like the rain, there are types of arable land to grow crops, as there is land to grow not only hold water, there are types of arid land, did not grow nor accommodating".
Allah, in the Qur'an, divide the human heart into three, namely the hearts of the believers (Sura 26: 89), the hearts of unbelievers (2: 7) and the hearts of the hypocrites (Sura 2: 10). Hearts of unbelievers closed and hypocritical diseased liver will not be able to justify the faith (at-tashdiiqu bil qalb). While the heart of the believer is what is meant Prophet Muhammad as fertile ground to grow trees good faith. Conviction towering roots firmly into the ground, as well as fruit ihsannya values can be useful for other human beings.
3. Deeds (al-'amal)
Deeds (amal) driven or motivated by a sincere heart and justification of faith in the liver. Someone who can only speak and practice without justifying in the heart, will not be accepted charity. Such traits are categorized as hypocrites, who always spoke with his tongue and not with his heart. Because the hypocrite has three signs: when he speaks he lies, when he promises broken, if given the mandate he defected.
Words, justification in the hearts and deeds is a unified whole. All three will bear istiqamah properties, fixed, firm and consistent. As explained in Sura 41:30, attitude istiqamah an ongoing process shared faith. Mustaqim believer will get a gift from God in the form of:
Courage (ash-Syajaa'ah), which was born of the belief in God. Dare to face the risk of life's challenges, ready to fight though would get an ordeal. Opponents courage is cowardice.
Tranquility (al-Ithmi'naan), which was born from the belief that God will always defend mustaqim servant who is physically and mentally. His opponent is the nature of the grieve.
Optimistic (at-Tafaa'ul), born of faith in God's protection and God Almighty reward perfect. The optimist will find satisfaction in the victory of principle, namely getting the pleasure of Allah (Mardhatillah).
The third gift of God to the mustaqim will be equipped with the grace of God joy of life (as-Sa'aadah), both in this world and the hereafter.
This is the understanding of the concept of shahadah. Not easy in practice, because we hope that Allah give patience to understand.
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